
Technology In There Will Come Soft Rains By Ray Bradbury

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Humans' relationship with technology is not always positive. The short story ‘there will come soft rains’ written by Rad Bradbury is set in the future where everything except one robotic house has been wiped out by a nuclear explosion The automated house can do everything a human can, it can make breakfast, close doors, and even read poems. This house is an important part of the story because it shows us the main theme of the narrative, man’s relationship with technology.

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The robotic house is an important setting in the story as it shows how advanced technology is in the future, and that humans have become very slothful. The robotic house has the same abilities as a human being, it can make breakfast, read poems, and even clean itself. The quote “The stove could be seen making breakfasts at a psychopathic rate.” shows us that robots …show more content…

This city has been wiped out by a nuclear explosion and there is nothing but rubble and ashes. The quote “At night the ruined city gave off a radioactive glow which could be seen for miles” shows how empty the earth is after the explosion. As a reader, this shows us how life-threatening nuclear technology is if used incorrectly.

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In this story, Ray Bradbury also shows how technology can improve human life. As the story goes on the robotic house is presented as a technological wonder that makes life easier for the people that used to live there. The house has machines that clean the floors and cook food. The quote “In the kitchen, the breakfast stove gave a hissing sigh” shows how the machine makes life more convenient for the family. Technology can make our lives easier in many ways, for

example auto driving or phones can help us stay connected with people. These are just some of the ways technology can help us, but we must be careful not to rely too much on technology.

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