Summary: Is Technology Making UScial Or Antisocial

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Technology is making us so Antisocial

Is technology making us social or antisocial? This is the burning question of our society, isn’t it? It continually haunts us that whether we’re progressing towards a golden future or ultimately dooming ourselves. The addiction, the long hours spent, the disruption of mental peace, all are the outcomes of social networking. Technology, no doubt, has made our lives easier but are we truly being benefited by it when it comes to connecting with people? The rapid progress of social networks in the last ten or so years has been the greatest and unpredictable roller coaster ride as never been seen before. The social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Myspace, Instagram etc. have …show more content…

From recent studies and surveys, it has been found that most people (both children and adults) become depressed if they stop using social technologies for 24 hours. They stare at their surroundings, hollow eyed, wasting their time lying on their bed, not doing anything, not going outside, ultimately becoming a victim of insomnia, no peace of mind, insignificant things running through their heads. Thus your time flies you by and you don’t even have any idea about the things that this world has to offer, the places to go, the people to meet, the memories that could have been …show more content…

This is undoubtedly true, I myself have friends and family abroad and I constantly interact with them using Skype, Facebook and other such technologies, your texts and files sent overseas within nanoseconds. This is technology that our ancestors longed for and envisioned. But this is also true that the most important things in life are eclipsed by the meaningless conversations we carry out with each other using such technology just to pass time. This is a very good example that when you invite your friends to a wedding or a bleaker example, to the funeral of a family member, at the most, only two or so rows will be filled by your beloved friends. What happened to your 700+ friends? In the end, all such meaningless interactions will inevitably result in