Technology Project 2016-2017 For Jason Cring

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Summary of Technology project 2016-2017 for Jason Cring This year I used Google Classroom as a regular instructional tool for my US History, Government, Economics, English 11 and English 12 classes. For each of my classes I created video lectures so students could complete work on their own if they missed the class and housed all of their notes and assignments within Google Classroom to help them improve their organization. By doing so, I theorized that student should be more productive. I started with the premise that a digital divide does exist, students need to be explicitly taught how to use technology and blended online learning is radically different than the way most of my 11th and 12 grade students had been taught in their last …show more content…

We were able to make up the lost time over the course of the year in full year classes. In my half year classes, I found it more difficult and had to decide to condense one of my election unit projects. I also found that students were completing more work at home and were less stressed when they missed a day or two of school because they had completed some of their work at home. My data shows that 77% of my students used Google Classroom at home to complete work. One of the interesting findings of this data after looking at it closer though is 100% of my Juniors (a group that has 1:1 Chromebooks) did work at home on their Chromebook. My Seniors, who did not have the 1:1 tech had a smaller number of students completing work at home. I think this statistic shows that giving our students 1:1 devices can help with homework completion. Based on my observational data over the last 20 years, I know this is a group of students who rarely do work outside of school. I would estimate that on average 10%-25% of this population would have stated they completed work outside of school. So, having 77% this year indicate they completed work outside of school is a significant

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