Technology: The Impact Of Technology On Intimate Relationships

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IV. The Impact of Technology on Intimate Relationship.
In this popular culture, there is a significant growth of individuals who live independent. According to Carman Neustaedter and Saul Greenberg, 75% of them are mostly international students as well as workers who are separated geographically due to certain wants and demands (1). M. Holmes also believes that globalization has threatened the concept of intimacy as more families and partners are starting to live apart… (Valentine 367). In this case, some of them struggle to maintain the intimacy and affects their emotional intelligence. By living independently, it creates a lack of physical affections, which is usually done among couples and families. Vicki S. Hegelson, Philip Shaver and Margaret Dyer argue that intimacy is only existed when there is a physical contact between the individuals (196). The absence of physical contact creates a negative impact on individual’s intimate relationship. However, the rapid advance of technologies has allowed people to access technological goods such as Internet, mobile phone, computer and etc.
Computers, smartphones, and Internet are predominantly used for personal communication. In addition to that, the physical embodiment of it, is primarily electronic communication, which includes several features such as chatting, messaging, phone-call and video-call. Although most of technological goods are usually text and audio-based, there is an attempt of using symbols to enhance the