Technology Wrecks The Middle Class Essay

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As we graduate from high school, most people look for a normal middle class job to help provide money for college needs for early family starters. Middle class jobs will help keep kids and adults out of the streets and also keep jail rates lower. Taking away middle class will make the environment more dangerous then what it is now. Machines are excellent technologies made by man, but y destroy the middle class with then all its doing is making the rich, richer and the poor, poorer. In the discussion of “How Technology Wrecks the Middle Class”, one controversial issue has been the middle class losing their jobs to machines because of how people want to work short hours, take long vacation days, and also retire earlier than they are expected …show more content…

This is causing us to become enslaved to robots overlords, while having us thinking “Does smart machines threaten us with long-term misery”. When will labor end for us as they continue to create new machines every day for factories and firing people. In making this comment, Autor and Dorn argues that adverse effects from the change of technology have a venerable history on employments. In early 19th century the English textile known as the Luddites protested against newly developed labor technologies from the 1811 to the 1816. Stoking frames, spinning frames, and power looms that were introduced threatened to leave them without work and replace the artisans with low wage, and less skilled labourers. Meanwhile, at this time 41 percent of the US work force was in agriculture. Rolling into 2000, the share of 41 now had reduced to 2 percent when the Green Revolution transformed crop had yield. Furthermore, technological change necessarily displaces people performing certain task, it also gain productivity, but over long term it generates new services and products that had also raise the national income and the overall labor demands were increased. The broad middle class will become bleak a decade from now with low paying jobs while thinking their blessed to have a job. For example “ATMs”, these are smart machines that operate many of tasks that were once

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