Ted Bundy Psychology

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Ted Bundy, born as Theodore Robert Cowell, sexually assaulted and murdered multiple women. The actual number is around 30 women but possibly more. Ted Bundy would fake disabilities and injuries to win his victims trust before murdering them. Bundy would continue to visit his victims even after they were dead and their remains started decomposing to give himself sexual gratification. Ted would search around the country for his ideal victim until he was finally apprehended and given the capital punishment in January 1989. There could be many reasons that contributed to Bundy 's need to attack innocent women; one reason could be his experiences early in life such as his retaliation due to the suffering he thought he caused as well as frustration and rejection. Ted Bundy was …show more content…

At the age of four, Ted’s biological mother Louise moved to Washington and took Ted with her, and started a new life. “When a child fears the idea of losing someone or being separated from them constantly, those feelings can generate strong emotions of anxiety and sometimes rage in the person, often ending in violent actions (Bartol et al., 2011). Even though Ted did not have a strong bond with his grandparents, and suffered psychological abuse as well as physical abuse, with the lack of interest from his grandmother due to ongoing depression, he resented the move to Washington and became extremely angry (Leibman, 1989). This early damage may be a contributing factor to Ted Bundy not being able to trust others or form good stable relationships as a child. Frequent statements are made stating serial killers often have neurologically and psychologically damage because of their environment, (Carbajal,

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