Ted Bundy Research Paper

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Ted Bundy With a body county of thirty six and with many law enforcement professionals believing that the number should be higher some estimate the number to be in the hundreds. Ted Bundy is well known for his voracious appetite for murder. Ted Bundy raped and murdered these young women at the prime of their life. He was said to have terrorized five states but later himself would admit to a sixth state though law enforcement was unable to connect him in another state for any other murders of young woman. First, we will introduce his childhood and his college years. Then there will be an analysis of two theories that were discussed during class in order to tie in how Mr. Bundy could have been driven to commit these heinous crimes. Childhood: Ted Bundy from the very start of his childhood had been mislead by those he trusted dearly. It is with this …show more content…

He had fallen head over heels for her but he felt that they were in two different worlds due to the circles he ran in. He would go through a long period of time where he would adapt himself to be the type of man that he thought Ms. Brooks would be proud of and fall in love with. He would eventually gain Ms. Brooks back into his life but he also did it to seek his revenge by becoming her fiancé and then turning completely cold to her. Make no mistake in the fact that her rejection argued by some psychologist was a key pivotal moment in Mr. Bundy’s development that would push him to brutally rape and murder thirty six women possibly more that bore a strong resemblance to Ms. Brooks. The women that he did have close relationships with would be given souvenirs from his victims from time to time in order to help keep the kill fresh and recent in his mind and allowed him to gain somer perverse satisfaction to seeing a significant other wearing a victims personal

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