Ted Bundy Research Paper

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In the 1970’s notorious Ted Bundy, was known for his acts of murder, rape, burglary, and his odd sexual attraction to dead bodies (Wikipedia). Many people today still debate whether or not these behaviors were pre-dispositioned within Bundy’s lifetime or that he was influenced by his experiences and environment that later led to these horrible actions taken place. Ted Bundy was affected by family secrets kept from him and broken relationships throughout his childhood, which led to his many killings of young woman. Even today, people continue to investigate the causes of a serial killer, their motives, and their youth interests. Ted Bundy's childhood experiences and environment affected how he came about these murders. Oddly enough, he grew up into believing his mother was his sister and his grandmother and abusive grandfather were his birthparents. Later in his early twenties he found out the truth (Crime Feed). His family kept this secret quiet, so …show more content…

At the age of three he developed a fascination of knives, so strong that he used a collection of knives to outline his sleeping aunt (Crime Feed). “One particularly chilling childhood story includes 3-year-old Ted assembling a collection of kitchen knives around his sleeping aunt. When his aunt awoke to the disturbing display, she looked up to see tiny Ted staring at her next from the end of the bed” (Crime Feed). Bundy also enjoyed murder stories in his childhood, which is known to be a common interest among serial killers in their youth (St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture). Teachers said he was shy in class, an introvert, and that he didn’t click with the other children at school. “During his growing years, Ted Bundy preferred to remain isolated as he failed to understand interpersonal relations and had stated that he had no knowledge regarding developing and nurturing friendship (The Famous

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