11 Facts About Teenage Pregnancy

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“3 in 10 teen American girls will get pregnant at least once before age 20. That’s nearly 750,000 teen pregnancies every year” (11 Facts About Teen Pregnancy). The rate for teen pregnancy is drastically climbing to a very high rate. These pregnancies are caused by drugs and alcohol, low socioeconomic status, and peer pressure. The effects of these pregnancies can cause high levels of stress for the mother, a poor environment for the child, and cause the teens who were impregnated to dropout of school and become financially stressed.
Teenage pregnancy is defined as a teenage girl who usually within the ages of 13-19 becoming pregnant. The term in everyday speech usually refers to girls who have not reached legal adulthood who become pregnant. Teenage pregnancy can be caused by multiple factors. One factor is drugs and alcohol. When in adolescence, a teenager may drink and experiment with drugs on occasion with their friends at social gatherings and parties. Teens, however, do not realize the impact that alcohol and drugs have on how their brain functions, especially the effects of binge drinking, which is consuming large amounts of alcohol during one sitting. Drinking in excessive amounts and also experimenting with drugs …show more content…

Due to becoming pregnant during adolescence, teen mothers are very likely to drop out of school because of their low ambitions and dedication to getting an education. “About 38% of female teens who have a child before the age of 18 complete their high school education (Cause and Effect of Teen Pregnancy). This means that a very high percentage of teen mothers will not even go on to graduate from high school let alone pursue post-secondary education.Which is almost necessary to survive in today’s society. This means these young girls do not have full qualifications for proper jobs in the future, which leads to having a job with very low wages or even worse,