Teenage Rebellion In The Zoot Suit Riots

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The Zoot Suit Riots presents it viewers with a deeper perception of teenage rebellion, immigration, the history of Mexicans in America and so much more. The railroads arrived in Los Angeles in 1880’s, launching an era of expansion and growth. By 1910, the majority of immigrants come from Canada, Germany, and England. According to PBS, “The Mexican immigrant population is around 800” (PBS.org). During Mexico’s revolution, the refugee count was over 21,000 by 1920. This left Mexicans the largest immigrant group in Los Angeles. Jose Diaz was born on December 9, 1919 in Durango, Mexico. In 1923, the Diaz family emigrates to the U.S. The Diaz family moves into a house on a compound in Los Angeles, in 1928. Two years later, the Los Angeles population

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