Teens Affected By Social Media

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Social media is a major piece in how teens go through their day. It’s grown and grown, year by year, into something so big that it is now out of control. Ever since social media was created, social media has affected society and the teenage generations in negative ways. It has also started to diminish basic very important skills and abilities that teens should have. Social media has started to cause health issues/concerns mentally which have led to mental isolation, depression, anxiety, and unfortunately sometimes in suicide. Teens lose their privacy and are opened to cyberbullying via social media. It has also started taking a role in distancing teens from the real world, which causes them to lose quality abilities in face to face interaction …show more content…

These mental health issues can lead to depression, mental isolation, suicidal thoughts, and anxiety. “In 2010 the Case Western Reserve School of Medicine conducted a study that showed hyper-networking (more than three hours on social networks per day) and hyper texting (more than 120 text messages per day) correlated with unhealthy behaviors in teens, including drinking, smoking and sexual activity” (Frazier). Hyper-networking was also associated with depression, substance abuse, poor sleep patterns, suicide and poor academic performance. The reason teens correlated with the unhealthy behaviors is because social media is an unfiltered place. There are advertisements from companies on social media advertising what they sell, whether it be drugs, alcohol, and sometimes sexual activity. Seeing these advertisements can get them enticed or interested in buying these things and enagaging in these unhealthy actions. The poor academic performance can come from the hyper-networking and hyper-texting. The teen would rather sit on social media and browse for hours instead of doing their hoemwork. This is becoming a major problem in the current teenage generation. These teens don’t feel the need to do homework because they would rather scroll on social media. It was shown that teens use social media to get away from face to face interaction, which allows them to cope …show more content…

This is cause to using social media when people feel anxiety, depressed, or before people go to bed. That causes them to not get as much sleep as they would like, forcing them to become stressed. Although people may think their private information may be hidden on the internet, they would soon be shocked to realize that it is very easy to find things out about themselves despite having high security on their profiles. There are many different loopholes and hacks people can use to find things out about others on the internet and social media sites. This also opens people up to cyberbullying, which is a serious problem that can lead to depression and suicidal thoughts in teens and adults. Face to face interaction is starting to tail off because of the serious use of cell phones and social media. It has become a way for people to cope with anxiety and awkward situations which makes people less likely to have face to face conversations which is an easy skill people need to use daily. Social media is becoming a major part of the lives of many on Earth, including the teenage generation, and while there are many positives to the things social media brings to the table, there are far too many negatives. The negatives are starting to impact society as it is now and if it doesn’t get adressed social media will get seriously out of

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