Teeth: A Fictional Narrative

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Henry shook. Uncontrollably. Feaces, not his own, smothered his fingers. Oh, how they stung, akin to a searing, agonising heat. Still, he resisted the fervent and desperate urge to free his hands and shake the offending liquid from them. Teeth rattled in his mouth, his lips quivered. Green eyes throbbed beneath swollen, red lids; stark in their bloodshot surrounds. A familiar tingle feathered his eyes, his nose. A reflex, simply a reflex. Vainly, Henry fought against the desire to itch. So strong was the sensation, and as he lifted his shoulder to his eye, a useless attempt at relief, he knew it would not calm the reflex. Ignore it. Ignore it. His mantra, the words echoed over and over within his mind. Mud mingled with the excrement to form