Telepresence And Video Games: The Impact Of Image Quality

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games. Image quality is arguably the biggest thing that gets in the way of someone experiencing telepresence. The concept of image quality, and telepresence is discussed in “Telepresence and Video Games: The Impact of Image Quality .” If a person is playing a video game, and they are in complete telepresence, the suddenly the game starts to lag, they will instantly be taken out of the telepresence state. The issue of image quality is also why game now a days have very high standards for their image quality. However, there is no one standard for good image quality. A video game in the year 2000 could have poor, blocky image quality but, the players will still experience telepresence, because that is the best image quality they know. Now a days we laugh at the video games that kids used to spend all day trans-fixed in playing. Also, in ten more years, the future generation will laugh at our video games, saying how the image quality is terrible. Even though we consider the quality amazing today, as it transports us into a state of complete telepresence. …show more content…

The image quality was terrible, and all the game entailed was driving around, hitting into other cars, and collecting coins. Never the less this is one of my favorite video games ever to this day. In eighth grade I experienced something very similar will Call of Duty Black-Ops two. Even though the image quality was much better than the 2004 monster jam game, they both took me into telepresence, and to this day I hold them both in equal regard to each other. They are both my favorite childhood games, even though they could not be more