Tellico Dam Case Study

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After reviewing the information that has been provided about the Tennessee Valley Authority vs. Hill court case along with additional findings about the primary purpose for the construction of the Tellico Dam, it has made the questions that are ask in this week’s post much easier to answer. Although, there are some key factors that must be taken into consideration before we choose either side. These factors included that the TVA project was approved to start construction in 1967, David Etnier discovered the snail darter in 1973, this small fish was declared an endangered species in 1975, the Tellico community expected the dam project to generate power, and benefit their economic resources. Also, we have to think about the fact that the snail darter was downgraded in 1980 to a threatened species simply because it was found in other areas of the Tennessee …show more content…

This information could make an individual question why this research was not conducted earlier? Some other areas of interest that were not mentioned in the video are located on the TVA website which notates that the Tellico dam has a flood storage capacity of 120,000 acre-feet and that it provides a large amount of water surface for recreational activities for the community and tourist that visit each year (Tellico, nd). Tellico is only about forty five minutes away from the town where I live and is always packed during the spring, summer and fall months. Of course, it is not just because of the water activities there are many other reasons to visit this area. One last piece of information that I would like to share is that although this dam does not generate electricity in this location, however, it does flow through a small canal to the Fort Loudoun Dam which helps to drive four of their generators. Also something that I found surprising was that Fort Loudoun Electric Cooperative provides Tellico Plains, TN which is located in Monroe County with their electrical services (Fort Loudoun Electric