Telstra's Ethical Behavior In Business

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Ethics are moral judgments about right or wrong. In a business setting, being ethical means, they act in ways with good values in the society’s mind. Ethical business behaviour applies key moral principles such as honesty, justice, equality, dignity, diversity and human rights. Telstra behaves ethically to their suppliers. In 2017, Telstra has their own Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy to prevent the occurrence of bribe between their employees and suppliers. Telstra’s mandatory compliance training apprises their workers the form of bribes and ways to evade them. Telstra ensures that there is no giving and accepting of gifts, money, rewards, and hospitality in unethical conditions. Their ethical behaviour has helped them to attract and retain talented employees in their business. The reason is that employees would like to work in a company that is unbiased and fair whereby partiality does not exist. When bribery and corruption occur in a business, there will be a tension among the workers as they will feel prejudiced that those people who act dishonestly are advantaged. Therefore, ethical behaviour in the workplace will foster trust among employees and reduce the likeliness of employees to depart from the company. …show more content…

Telstra builds various codes, policies and security controls to prevent invasion and unauthorized access to their customers’ data. Telstra’s ethical behaviour will improve their credibility among investors and suppliers. The reason is that Telstra will be able to gain respect from the general public and better reputation. When the unethical behaviour of a business is acknowledged by the public, the potential investors will refrain from investing it. This is because the company has lost their trustworthiness among investors. The investors would choose to invest in a company that is renowned for their ethical behaviour instead of a business who lack