Tension In A View From The Bridge By Arthur Miller

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Arthur Miller is an American playwright who produced the play ‘A View from the Bridge’. The play is set in an Italian-American neighborhood called Red Hook, a slum area, in New York at the Brooklyn Bridge Eddie, the play 's protagonist, is a man who drives his own life to doom due to his inappropriate feelings for his niece, which is the primary reason for his downfall. Miller conveys the development of the character of Eddie Carbone through language and the key themes along with stage directions. Tension is initiated in the play by the language used like exclamatory and interrogative sentences. Eddie’s family is presented as an average family. When Catherine, Eddie’s niece, decides to work as a stenographer, his over-protective qualities start to appear causing the first conflict in the play with his wife, Beatrice, when she questions "You gonna keep [Catherine] in the house all her life?" Here Beatrice questions Eddie with an angering tone about the way he thinks and shows some disappointment in him, so he asks "insulted : what kinda remark is that?” At this point, Miller starts gradually building Eddie’s character, he wishes to indicate to the audience that Eddie is the type of man that no matter who the person is or whether he loves them or not there is no barrier to initiating conflict with them. Arthur Miller keeps Eddie 's qualities vital to keep the audience 's attention and give them a hint to the big climax. As Eddie is a longshoreman, it is obvious to an audience