Terrific Teaching Tips By Laurel Borgia Summary

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This article “Terrific Teaching Tips” by Laurel Borgia and Carol Owles, with contributions by Julie Frisch, Louise Stearns, and Lindsay Craig, are all inspired teachers looking to improve effective strategies to produce better instruction methods. Educators are constantly researching to discovery how to create a better setting which benefit the students in acquiring learning skill. By motivating a childs mind with the use of manipulatives in order to better grasp understanding. What do good readers do? They discuss what they have read, what better way to use manipulatives to engage in class discussion. Furthermore, these technic of using visual icons guides the reader in connecting the story to the theme and the plot. This article touches several grade levels by giving specifying strategies according to grade level. In order to, be able to combine different methods and technics according to grade level and distinguishing from Kindergarten Primary and Secondary. Frish’s, …show more content…

“This strategy involves having the reader record three things that he or she has learned or discover about the particular topic. Next, the reader writes two things he or she finds interesting about it. And finally, the reader writes one question he or she will ask about the topic."(p.48) For my teaching practice I would introduce the story of Charlotte’s Web and have students use the 3-2-1 idea to compare and contrast the difference between farm animals and domesticated animals. I would instruct the students to writing down three similarities, two differences and one question between the animals. This will help students get more familiar with comparing and contrasting other subjects. By practicing the compare and contrast students would also learn to research on topics at hand and at the same time acquire more