Tetanus Monologue

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Hi my name is Tetanus. But my friends call me Lockjaw mainly because I cause stiffness in the jaw of my host and if I really settle in I can lock it up completely. I’m a tetanus spore; a gram-positive bacillus and I do not need oxygen to survive inside my host.
I am a fatal disease but I like to think of myself as a professional killer. My father’s name is Clostridium tetani more commonly know as Tetanus bacillus. He and his friends travel around in human’s and animal’s intestines, moving around in their faeces. My parents infect a wound on the body of a human and created me. I‘m very small and can only be seen under a strong microscope. Did you know that I am so small that I have to be magnified 4000 times to actually be visible and you’ll …show more content…

Each day we are getting significantly stronger and Chris is getting weaker. Chris is stiffening up and can no longer open up his jaw, has stiffness in his neck, is struggling to breath, cant move his wounded leg and is having cramps all over. His headache is beginning to kick in and has a very high fever; his blood pressure is high and is sweating like crazy. My army of toxins are doing an excellent job and are going to take over Chris’s body. My front line men progress on to his shoulder muscles and work their way through his shoulders down to his hands causing them to stiffen up. “Alright guys it is time to move down further into the body and start on his abdominal muscles”. After 12 days of living in Chris’s body we are finally making some progress. We have immobilized his jaw, shoulders, neck and leg. My army burrow in further into the tissue more space as me multiply. I begin to think that we have it all under control in taking over Chris’s body. But In actual fact my army and I have no clue what we are up against. The body’s immune system is back, bigger and better than ever. The immune system troops are rolling in thousands at a time. I thought we had completely destroyed their army last