Texas Constitution Vs US Constitution

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The Texas constitution and the U.S. constitution are very alike but also very different. However, the Texas constitution is primarily focused on what's best for Texas. Both of these constitutions share the separation of powers and the checks and balances. The separation of powers was established in Texas, as well as the whole U.S., so each branch will have certain powers. By separating the powers into three equal branches, it prevents anyone from having too much power. The Texas and the United States Constitution both contain the bill of rights. Some of the amendments that are in the United States version are also repeated in the Texas Bill of Rights. For example, both constitutions contain the amendment that states the right of the people …show more content…

This gives the government a foundation to better the states individually and the country altogether. The Texas Constitution is the outline for the state government, but there are modifications to adjust to the newer times. In this constitution, debt is strictly limited but such General principles such as equality, uniformity governed taxation, and only the legislature can authorize appropriations. It also addresses the longstanding concerns about land titles,public lands, and education. In the constitution, the education section also addresses the Permanent School Fund. The U.S. constitution also sets the tone for the government. It delegates a plan for a stronger federal government with three branches, along with a system of checks and balances to ensure no single branch would have too much power, and the Bill of …show more content…

The Texas Constitution contains line item veto that allows the governor to veto specific items that are within appropriations bills passed by the legislature. Also a governor can use the threat of the veto to influence legislation during the session with a certain type of skill. However at the U.S. federal level the line-item veto has been declared unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court. It has been argued that it violates the separation of powers between the legislative and executive branches. The president is actually amending bills instead of Using the line-item veto to delete individual measures. Justice Anthony M. Kennedy wrote that the "undeniable effects" of the line-item veto were to "enhance the President's power to reward one group and punish another, to help one set of taxpayers and hurt another, to favor one State and ignore

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