Rhetorical Analysis of “Teaching Taco Bell Canon” “New studies show that children read for leisure less as they get older, with 45% of 17-year-olds saying that they read by choice only once or twice a year” (Time). The lack of interest for reading is unfortunately true. Moreover, it is causing students to spell and pronounce words incorrectly. In this highly descriptive article, “Teaching Taco Bell Canon”, James E. Courter recounts the hilarious misspellings that students wrote in their essays.
In the essay “Trapped in the Community College Remedial Maze,” Mikhail Zinshteyn suggests that developmental courses in community college are a problem because they do not “move [students] closer to earning a degree” even though they are mandatory (3). Zinshteyn considers that there are studies that prove that remediation courses prevent students from “succeeding in college” (3). Zinshteyn claims that most students with good grades in high school are required to take “developmental education at the community-college level” (1). Zinshteyn implies that the most students have to take developmental courses because “they took a test that found their math of English language skills to be lacking” (3). The author notes that being told that you need to take a remedial course can be demoralizing, especially when you think you do not need it (qtd.
According to the class text “Schriever’s engineering and
This is currently my first year enrolling in Richland College, but the experience is just the beginning. The earliest memory of reading was all the syllabus that each class had before school started. I chose to be in college because I’m striving for a better future, instead of working at a retail store and less pay for all the work I’ve contributed. Being an expert reader can help me out in the long run because it helps me with comprehension and critical thinking when I encounter a real world problem. Now getting in idea of what we are doing in class, I think you are doing just fine helping me prepare for what is ahead of me
The article also tends to be repetitive, as the author continuously relates back to concepts in earlier parts of the paper instead of fully developing the ideas in an organized and concise
Improving Our Society's Intelligence Public schools all over the United States have always struggled with giving every student the proper education needed to be able to pursue their dreams and get the career they have always wanted. In the essay “Our Schools Must Do Better” written by Bob Herbert he states two solutions to solving the problem and explains why they would work. He states that in order to get better education for students that schools have to better their faculty and use skills that are effective in helping students get smarter. After Bob Herbert gives his position on his argument, he elaborates on his opinion on how to change the schools by stating his worries about the students well-being.
The journal I read was about text complexity and its relation to students learning how to read. The journal article was titled “What Research Says about Text Complexity and Learning to Read.” The journal was used to combat the statements and changes made by the English Language Arts Common Core State Standards. The CCSS believes that students should be reading more complex works of literature. The CCSS also believes that the best way for a student to catch up to grade level reading is to read book that are on grade level.
An Application of Federal Plain Language Guidelines Introduction The Plain Language in Government Communications Act of 2008 states: “In this Act... The term ‘plain language’ means language that the intended audience can readily understand and use because it is clear, concise, well-organized, and follows other best practices of plain language writing” (sec. 3). Federal Plain Language Guidelines were published in 2011 to provide the principles of plain language which should be applied in documents of the federal government. These guidelines were developed to help public organizations produce documents that are designed and organized to be easily understood by users.
The significance of reading has become a persistent theme in the business world. The February issue of Wired magazine, for instant, created a new set of mental skills to the 21st century, aptitudes decidedly literary in character: not “linear, logical, analytical talents. “The ability to create artistic and emotional beauty, to detect patterns and opportunities, to craft a satisfying narrative. ”author Daniel Pink States. When companies were asked to pick an position of high level employees, a person who have strong imagination, creativity, and high-order thinking will likely to be enrolled.
Readings is the most fundamental skills taught in schools today. According to Weber (2012), reading unlocks information, provides the tools to problem solve, builds vocabulary and refunds comprehension skills. Subsequently, high expectations are translated into literary standards that have been developed to promote proficiency for early learning. Key components of successful reading instruction, as suggested by Weber (2012) including, explicit instruction, guided practice, on going assessment and diagnosing reading difficulties early.
Additionally, our assessments have been dominated by subjective multiple choice, matching and fill-in-the-blank questions that measure the students’ content knowledge, but not their ability to use higher order thinking skills. Over the last few years, however, because of the Common Core changes, we have begun shifting to the use of multiple texts and inquiry research to understand social studies and new objective assessments dominated by essay questions that require students to use higher order thinking skills to analyze, synthesise and evaluate information. Over the last few years at HSO, students ability to write has improved dramatically from direct instruction and practice. However, their ability to read and comprehend the information necessary for these tests has diminished.
Education is defined in the Benokraitis’ Soc 3, Third Ed. textbook as, “A social institution that transmits attitudes, knowledge, beliefs, values, norms, and skills to its members through formal systematic training.” Yet despite the many essential benefits that education offers, “only 34% of Americans have a lot of confidence in our public schools.” The Common Core State Standards Initiative was announced on June 1, 2009 and was intended to offer a consistent and clear understanding of what students needed to learn in order for them to be successful in attaining either a 2 year or 4 year degree, and regardless of whether it’s at a University or a Community College, and thus placing students in a position where they can be competitive
Task 4: For this exercise we will be composing a Textual Analysis. We will be writing a response to “The Night” by Ray Bradbury. Your essay needs a good introduction with a clear organizational thesis statement, multiple body paragraphs, transitions, and a conclusion. I am looking for a concise descriptions of the text, a clear interpretation of the piece, and reasonable support for your claims. You will need to include quotes from the piece that helps to support what it is that you are saying about the story.
Stephen King’s thrilling short story “Word Processor of the Gods” focuses on how technology can affect someone’s sanity. When given the chance to change their life, people take advantage of that and abuse it. Technology has taken over our lives and it could take our sanity if we let it. Some people are strong, but others are weak because they are full of envy. The dynamic character Richard was one of the weak ones because he was envious of his brother Roger.