Texting While Driving Essay

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Texting while driving is one of the serious accident in the road. Many driver always using cell phone while driving. Texting while driving causes increase the chances of getting accidents on the road. Some government trying to declare new laws to making cell phone texting or using in cars illegal. However, some driver not following a laws, most of them texting while driving, and they think they can pay attention and still focus on the road. Although texting while driving continues to be a serious problem, drivers can follow the rule or laws to prevent it. Cell phone use while driving is the major of accident, leading to the death. In despite of, these concerns, some people will use cell phone while driving that are dangerous to not only …show more content…

While texting is become popular, the number of accidents increasing. Even though some countries have enacted law that prohibit texting while driving. Many of laws are not support to avoid texting while driving. Strong action is the one of method to decrease accidents that came by texting while driving. However, only 35 states from US have completely prohibit texting while driving all the roads, but this is not enough to solve the problem. There need to ban on texting while driving on worldwide as recommended by The National Transportation Safety Board. Laws were prohibiting texting while driving will save many life. To effective, It’s necessary for the government to declare a laws and strict punishment for people who texting while driving. These new laws to ban texting while driving for every drivers. These should be no objection to laws for texting while driving. Every countries need to have a same law to against texting while driving. Some country laws about texting while driving should be strict laws on the road safety. Punishment for texting while driving should be strict to push people to stay on the line and high to pay

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