Textual Interferences

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Analyze how a particular sentence, chapter, scene, or stanza fits into the overall structure of a text and contributes to the development of the theme, setting, or plot.

Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.

The two ELA common core standards addressed the video are analyzed how a particular section fits into the overall theme and cite textual evidence to support analysis of text. The students read a couple chapters of the book Iqbal then had a class discussion. The students had to create questions that they would ask during the discussion. The discussion looked like a Socratic seminar. The teacher sat back and listened to the students as they discussed each question. …show more content…

The students came up with their own questions to ask the class. They used different strategies to create their questions. This gave the students responsibility for their learning. The student could engage in each other thoughts. They got to explore other opinions and interpretations of the book. The students’ desks were arranged in a fashion where they could see and hear each other. It was clear that they were paying attention to the speaker. Students who are active in their learning are engaged.

The students were developing higher order thinking skills. They had to think about the questions they are creating. When creating questions, the students had to think about how those questions could be answered. They had to keep in mind that other students may answer differently. This caused the students to expand their thinking. The students also had to answer the other students’ questions. They had to think about what is being asked. They got to discuss each question and see how others think. This caused them to open their minds to other