Thank You For Being Late Summary

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The two videos produced by Thomas Friedman talk on the same subject, but in different years. The World is Flat 3.0, Friedman talks about the globalization of trade and finance, how to thrive. Globalization is dealing with outsourcing, whether being a big corporation or a one-person business, if one has access to the internet then they can succeed if they are driven. Freidman talks of a problem in the year 2010 of America being flattened by people not being ready for global economics, that the field is being leveled, by the fast advancement of internet and technology. In the video titled “Thanks for Being Late,” he talks about in 2007 how technology took off with over 15+ new companies dealing with technology and then in 2008 social technology froze. Freidman states there are 3 eras of globalization, the first is 1.0 taking place from1492-early 1800’s. Globalization 2.0 is mid-1800’s-2000 where companies globalize and the last is 3.0 from 2000-present, which is not built around countries or companies, but around individuals that are competing, connecting and globalizing, it is not about trade anymore as it was in the 2.0 section. Four flatteners help to …show more content…

This lecture was not as intriguing as the first, it basically covered what technology had been invented and how this caused things to hit the wall or slow down. He did hit on one technology that has exploded in recent years, the cloud, described as the “super nova.” Other issues brought up include reshaping the work place where employees are trained for different jobs to move up the ladder. One point that he makes is the building blocks of ethics and morals are due to strong family ties and healthy community, maybe meaning it takes a village to raise and guide a child. Dealing with all the new technology that is out and new technology that is in production one might say the living the Jetson lifestyle is closer than we

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