That Long Silence Shashi Deshpande Analysis

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'That Long Silence ‘has written by shashi Deshpande deals majorly with feministic issues along with the 'Stream of Consciousness’. The female protagonist Jaya engulfs all what she sees or hears from others and develops her own thinking taking everything in her own way Throughout the novel she seems to be silent from outside but in reality she is struggling with her own identity with a tumult of thoughts in her mind. A great impact of her father 's death in her early age whom she loves the most and who loved her the most supposedly is the major cause of her psychological change in behaviour .secondly, she feels distressed in her relations with her husband partially due to her husband Mohan 's reluctance to lead a love life rather simple husband-wife relationship and partially due to sufferings of people around her she gets highly affected.
The novel gives a critical study of psychological aspects in a human if he /she is not able to reveal their innate feelings and their life reaches on the verge of shattering.
Key-Words: Psycho-analytic study, Mortality, poverty, Domestic violence and so on.
Introduction: 'Self-Revelation is a cruel process. The real picture, the real you never emerge. Looking for it is as bewildering as trying to know how you really look. Ten different mirrors show you ten different faces. '
As self-exclaimed by the female- protagonist Jaya of the novel 'That Long Silence ' Jaya reveals to the readers that nobody is able to reveal himself/herself