The AFL-CIO Website

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Labor Unions were established to assist with protecting employees from being treated unfairly within the workplace. The National Labor Relation Board and the American Federation of Labor Congress of Industrial Organizations are two websites that provides employers and employees information about Labor Laws, Regulations and current issues that are affecting American businesses within today’s society. Current issues such as Donald Trump’s, a republican candidate running for Presidency within the United States, stance on labor relations is top new on the AFL-CIO website. In this paper I will discuss the features of each website and the information that is beneficial to both employees and employers. Introduction The National Labor Relations Board was established by the United States Congress in 1935. The NLRB is an independent agency that is responsible for conducting elections for labor union representative, facilitate statements, investigating unfair labor law practices, decide on cases and enforce orders (NLRB 2015). The American Federation of Labor Congress of Industrial Organizations was established in 1955. The AFL-CIO is a federal volunteer agency that is comprised of …show more content…

The site also provides an option to e-file a petition and claims against employers. The NLRB has an impact on organizations when they file a petition for an election. When filing a petition with NLRB, the employer has confirmed that they want representation by union for the purpose of collective barging (Ireland 2013). By law the business is only allowed to converse with the union about employee wages, hours and working conditions. The business is also affected because regardless if the employee belongs to the Union they are covered by the decisions made by the

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