The Abortion Debate

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The common debate over whether or not abortions should be allowed and legalized continues to divide Americans across the country. Some say it should be legalized while others say it shouldn’t. Many say abortion should be legal considering unwanted children are more likely to have birth defects, mental problems, and usually have a lower IQ level. Women who had been denied abortions are known to have mental problems and stress in their lives, while women who had abortions feel it was the right decision. Lastly, people who believe abortions should be legal say that women may not have the financial resources to have a baby. Having a baby may also interfere with a women’s education or career goals. And a women’s income level can decrease when the …show more content…

If a women does not have a financial resource to support the baby, the two of them or their whole family would have to live in poverty or be on welfare. This means that an accident may lead to a miserable life in poverty and pity. Some jobs pay less and women earn less when they have a baby. This applies for women with any income level. This is especially tragic for women already working for low-wage. They, unfortunately suffer a 15% earning penalty. Also, some women also have education and career goals that a baby would interfere with. Some careers don’t allow women with babies to work for them. Therefore, having children can limit their choices of careers and may ruin the one they want most. According to, “Many women who choose abortion don't have the financial resources to support a child. 42% of women having abortions are below the federal poverty level.”, “A Sep. 2005 survey in the peer-reviewed Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health asking women why they had an abortion found that 73% of respondents said they could not afford to have a baby, and 38% said giving birth would interfere with their education and career goals.”, and “An Oct. 2010 University of Massachusetts at Amherst study published in the peer-reviewed …show more content…

A common point they make is that abortions decrease the amount of babies in adoption homes for those who cannot conceive. They say people do not have as many children to choose from. They also claim it is unfair to same sex couples who are unable to conceive. I disagree with them. Yes, this is a good point and I acknowledge that there are people who cannot conceive and same sex couples do not have as many choices of children. However, with more than 7 billion people on this earth, there are more than enough children who do not have homes, live in poverty, do not have education, and/or lead miserable lives. Giving birth to unwanted or unintended children only adds to the number of miserable lives. It is selfish of the parents to give birth to a soul who will live life in filth and will never feel love. There are countries, for example in Africa and Asia where there are plenty of lives that can be adopted and given a second chance. So these unwanted children will only be adding to the already large numbers. For example, in Burkina Faso, Africa, a country in West Africa sized around 274,200 square kilometres suffered floods in 2007. According to IRIN News and Mel Young, the current president of, “40,000 people were displaced and 26,800 houses were destroyed due to the floods.” And in India, located in Asia, “India is estimated to be the home to 78 million homeless people, including 11 million street children.” In Hong

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