The Absolutely True Diary Of Part Time Indian Analysis

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Actions that people make are followed up with consequences that may not only affect them, but others around them. In the book The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, Junior/Arnold sees this for himself. Many consequences that affected him were a direct involvement with alcohol. For example, his Dad, his Sister, and even his own Grandmother. Two of these consequences ended terribly, with death. Junior/Arnold goes by two different names. He goes by Junior on the reservation, and Arnold is his “white name”. For the most part, he is referred to as Junior by his family seeing how they live on the reservation. Junior has what most would see as a normal family, two parents and a sister. Although sometimes he is not sure whether or not to …show more content…

They fell in love and they moved all the way to Montana where he lived in a camper. She saw this as a dream that came true. She sends Junior an update letter and at the end she attached a picture of their camper with a caption, “It’s the most gorgeous place in the world!” (134). Obviously she hadn’t got out much, or maybe living on the reservation her whole life, she had very low expectations. One night they were partying it up, and Mary passed out in the camper, drunk as could be. She was so out of it, that the camper started on fire and she had no idea. Sadly she burned to death in that camper. Mary’s concious decesion to drink alcohol affected her whole family and friends. Junior’s Grandmother never drank a single drop of alcohol in her entire life. One day she was walking around on the reservation, and some drunken idiot was driving and ran her over. The driver’s concious decesion to drink alcohol affected nearly the whole reservation. Almost everyone on the reservation showed up to her wake. Junior was shocked, “We knew that people would be coming in large numbers. But we were stunned because almost two thousand Indians showed up that day to say good-bye” (159). She was very healthy, she could have lived much longer, but someone else ruined that for