The Affects Of The Cold War On Women

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Katya Daly APUSH Mrs. Delbagno 4 June 2023 Effects of the Cold War on Women The Cold War was caused by extreme tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union. Prior to the Cold War, women were seen as less capable and more fragile than their male counterparts. This all changed when the Cold War began and there was a new need for more workers and technology. This demand for modern innovation gave women an increased amount of opportunities within the workforce and allowed women to prove that they were more capable than anyone had previously believed. Despite the tensions faced during the Cold War, women gained more opportunities within society, a greater role in the STEM industry, and gained more involvement in the military and government. Although the Cold War was filled with tension between the United States and the Soviet Union, it produced a great number of opportunities for women. Due to the increasing number of men going off to fight in the war, women had to step up and take over the responsibilities that were once only a man's job. Within the Sunday Graphic, articles were published by Margaret Thatcher encouraging women to step up within society and not stop following their passions as soon as they got married (Thatcher). For example, she talked about …show more content…

There was a tremendous amount of advancement for women not only in society but within the government and scientific institutions. The tragedy of the Cold War caused a demand for new ideas and this demand gave women the chance to prove that they were just as capable as men and that they have useful skills that were not being utilized previously. Despite the difficulties and loss of life faced during the Cold War, women gained a great number of opportunities within society through Red Cross and USAID, within the STEM industry through NASA, and within the military and government by gaining higher standing