The Alchemist Research Paper

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The Influence of Literature
Literature is a form of artistic expression that enables students to express their individuality. This is achieved through reading different forms of literature, to strive for our dreams and uncover our personal legends. In Paulo Coelho’s “The Alchemist”, the theme of personal legends serve as a way to understand your life long fulfillment. While I read the book I manifested the hidden meanings and interpreted the book as if it were my own life journey. Just as the protagonist in the book, I can see omens in my life that act like a guide. Also, the novel “The Words” directly correlates to my real life experiences. The impact on how influential words may become in one’s life greatly impacts the society at large. …show more content…

Often teenagers experience phases of loneliness, where we feel they cannot relate to those around them. Even if you cannot directly relate to the author’s story it will still have an impact on you, and you will be able to connect and relate to it. “Some ideas cannot be expressed adequately in simple language, and because the lessons we have to work for are the ones that stick with us” (Freethought forum, Why study literature?). The many unanswered questions of where ideas come from can be interpreted into knowing one’s life tragedy experience. The idea of accomplishing a dream and the idea of receiving recognition is one’s greatest desire. As I read the book I paused to think how the story intertwined with my own experience. In my writers craft class, I often experienced “writers block” and often needed an inspiration to expand on a new story idea. Through “The Words” I was able to understand the influence literary works has on an individual because many people can be guilty of plagiarism. The school generation I am growing up in, and future generations will be able to have endless amounts of information which they may say is their own without citing sources. On the journey to success in life, honesty is crucial while accomplishing a goal, therefore literature allows students to interpret feelings through the eyes of the