The Alchemist Theme Essay

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Treasures Aren’t Always What They Seem

A common theme that is shared by the novel The Alchemist and the news article titled “Einstein’s theory and ‘bend light’ reveal a way to weigh stars for first time” has the concept that expected treasures aren’t always what they are seemed to be. In the novel The Alchemist (Paulo Coelho HarperCollins) a boy shepherd named Santiago calls for a treasure hidden in Egyptian Pyramids. The idea of the treasure spread more as more people kept speaking of it. Determined, the boy crossed his land in search of this ‘treasure’. During his journey, he meets different people that also know about this so called treasure. However, they first needed to find a man known as an Alchemist. As the boy continued on his search, he later meets up with the alchemist and become friends. As the two journeyed together, the boy learns that he is worthy is finding something known as a “Personal Legend”(The Alchemist). In one stop he meets a beautiful girl named Fatima who happens to be the boy’s love. Unfortunately, the boy has to leave. In the end, the boy ends …show more content…

According to Einstein, scientists can use light warping to determine a star’s mass. “Scientists thought the star’s orbit suggested something strange about the composition, but the findings show that the stars mass is more reflective of a standard white dwarf as opposed to a more irregular star, one with iron in its core.” ( Wagner “Einstein’s theory and ‘bend light’ reveal a way to weigh stars for first time”) This quote from the article shows that with Einstein’s theory, scientists we able to see a difference much more than measuring star masses, much like how it ties into the theme ‘treasures aren’t always what they