Examples Of Alienation In The Minister's Black Veil

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The Alienation of Reverend Hooper It is never fun to be a stranger in one’s community. Some people know this better than others. Reverend Hooper, a character in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “The Minister’s Black Veil,” is one of those unfortunate people. Mr. Hooper wore a black crape over his face. This confused the Puritan community. Hawthorne shows in his tone that he has a certain level of disliking for the Puritan ways. He gives the community an negative reaction to Hooper, which helps to characterize the minister. Reverend Hooper is alienated by the community, which Hawthorne shows through Hooper’s sacrifices, characterization, and the community’s reactions to him, which illuminates his value of faith, thus creating a deeper meaning to the idea that faith in God is more important than mortal differences. …show more content…

She and Hooper got into an argument. “‘Lift the veil and look me in the face,’ said she. / ‘Never! It cannot be!’ replied Mr. Hooper. / ‘Then, farewell!’ said Elizabeth” (Hawthorne 183). Even though Hooper knew he would lose his fiancee. He still refused to lift the veil, sacrificing the woman he loved for his faith. Tim Deines wrote in a literary criticism of Hawthorne’s short story that “Hooper sardonically reflects on what might have been if not for the effect of the veil, believing that the veil ‘must’ be drawn between the most intimate, the most immediate relation.” Deines expresses that Hooper has a belief that this is the only way for him to be true to his philosophy. Hooper believes Elizabeth must leave him in order for him to be judged by God in the way that he wishes when he faces judgement