The American Anti-Monopolist Elizabeth Magie

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Bankrupting your table mates while rolling dice, and running your fingers through stacks of paper money has proven infectious. The game of monopoly has been around for an entire century, when
American anti-monopolist Elizabeth Magie created "The Landlord Game" in hope to teach people about the evils of monopolies by putting you in the shoes of greedy landlords. It was apart of a movement led by Teddy Roosevelt against Robber-Baron American industrialists who were sucking the blood out of the economy. In 1935 a man named Charles Darrow cloned the game, sold it to Park brothers, and Monopoly was born. They put a mascot on it who has a spitting image of Andrew
Carnegie, and threw in a game piece in the shape of a top hat as a nod to those "cigar-puffing