The American Dream Debate Analysis

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In England, two Americans Spoke about the American dream. It was in 1965 at Cambridge University, Cambridge, England, at the Cambridge Union Society, James Baldwin, and William F. Buckley Jr. Faced off regarding whether "The American Dream has Been Achieved at the Expense of the American Negro?" Before the debate began a man named Norman St. John Stevas M.P. Introduced the two American men who were debating. The debate starts off with two college undergraduate. He also mentions how packed the room was. Mr. John introduced James Baldwin as a well-known American novelist who has achieved a well wide fame and William Buckley as a conservative author and commentator in the United States. During the debate, Both Mr. Baldwin and Mr. Buckley used different strategies. However, Mr. Baldwin did an outstanding job addressing the theme of the debate. Mr. Baldwin was a liberal and he has given a well-developed and amazing speech that made him win the debate. …show more content…

He has given out excellent points that lead him to his and he has used real life examples to posit the question. “ is this what a Negro American Dream looks like?” clearly, then Mr. Buckley acknowledge he could not fight the ethos of that argument and rather he focused on underestimating the credibility of Baldwin’s and not answering the debate questions.. Buckley wasted lots of time on fancy words and empty bombast before making his points. Mr. Baldwin was very relaxed, comfortable and delivers his speech slowly. When Mr. Baldwin was done speaking the entire audience stood to applaud. Since Baldwin was passionate about the topic, it leads him to win the