In the 1996 Danny Davito film Matilda, a child is adopted into a cold hearted family called the Wormwoods. She grows up independently and finds relief from her wretched family in a library. She excels in school but her intelligence is only recognized by her teacher Ms. Honey. She eventually grows into a wonderful young lady but not without fictional challenges she overcomes to create true happiness. The film shows a girl that has all the odds against her, but she still manages to become highly successful and maintain happiness. Matilda is a fictional character that is living the American dream all thanks to the library and an excellent teacher, eventually mother. Matilda grows up with little nurturing from her adoptive family, but still manages to be a strong, independent, and kind young lady. She …show more content…
Her father sales faulty cars and she knows is wrong so she secretly punishes him by gluing his hat to his head. Matilda always knew the difference between right and wrong, and punished those who didn’t. Her mother lives to gamble and has always left Matilda to herself. This left Matilda to find nurturing in books. Classics are mentioned throughout the movie including Moby Dick, a symbol for her life. She is neglected which is a mainstream fear. Matilda learns that she has telekinesis when she is verbally abused by her father and eventually controls it giving her an advantage in her terrible life. When her father finally lets her attend school she learns that her teacher is amazing but the principle is the devil. She gains a wide array of friends and they defy the principle