
The American Dream In Of Mice And Men By John Steinbeck

807 Words4 Pages

Ayanna King
Mrs. Yapsuga
English 9 CP
28 March 2023
Of Mice and Men Essay
“We will have a place where we would belong.” (Steinbeck page). This is the American dream. Having a place that you can call home makes you feel like you are accepted. The novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck is a story that took place during the Great Depression in the 1930s. Many people during this time period lost their jobs, their family, and their homes. Since they were out of work they needed to become migrant workers. The life of migrant workers was very lonely; they traveled unaccompanied most of the time. The only thing that they had was their dreams. Their dreams made them work harder and have the motivation to keep going. The characters that are driven …show more content…

This is their dream because they did not want to work for anyone and they want to be able to have something to call home and not having to keep going from place to place. For example when talking about their dream, Lennie said“and I can tend the rabbits right George” (steinbeck pag ).Lennie would do anything for George to allow him to tend the rabbits and keep this dream alive The idea of being with rabbits on his own land makes him feel calm and happy. Just in the same way George says “ all kin’s a vegetables in the garden and if we want a little whisky we can sell a few eggs or something, or some milk. We’d jus’ live there. We’d belong there.” (Steinbeck 57).When Geoerge says this portrays that he just wants a place where Lennie and him both belong. His dream is all about how Lennie and him a have a place where they belong.Overall Lennie and George’s are spitting the image of the American …show more content…

Candy is a old man that has one arm. He had a dog that he considered his best friend that got shot by his fellow companion. Regardless of Candy’s disability he insists “ I ain’t much good, but I could cook and tend the chickens and hoe the garden some. How’d that be?” (steinbeck 59).
Candy is very eager to show that he would do anything even though he is disabled to get in on Lennie and Georges plan because He doesn't have anything else to live for and now he finally does.As Candy says “ I got hurt 4 years ago.They'll can me purty soon. Jus’s as soon as I cant swamp out no bunk houses they’ll put me on the county. Maybe if I give you guys my money….”(steinbeck 60)Even with his amputated arm he is content on giving every ounce of what he can so that he can be fulfilled in the time he has left. With Candy’s eagerness to help Lennie and George it became his

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