
The American Dream In Of Mice And Men

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Ben Luo
Honors English 9
24 March 2023
What is the American Dream?
Everyone has heard of the American Dream. Over the course of history, it was generally known as being successful. Everyone's purpose in life is to have a happy, successful life. When people think of these goals, they often think of the American Dream. The story Of mice and men by John Steinbeck features two characters named George and Lennie. Taking place in the 1900s, these two are in search of employment to ultimately fund their dream of owning a farm. In the story Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck utilizes dialogue to develop the theme that the American Dream is to become successful through self employment. This theme still applies to the modern day because people still …show more content…

Lennie and George struggle as they were recently driven away from their previous job due to Lennie touching a woman's dress. They desperately continue to seek labor in hopes that they “Someday - get the jack together and we’re gonna have a little house and a couple of acres a’ a cow and some pigs” (Steinbeck, 14). George tells Lennie how they will eventually have their own farm in which people will work for them. They would be independent and self-dependent for life, proving that the American Dream is success through self employment. Since the American Dream applies to everyone, many other characters seek the same life as George and Lennie do. For example, Candy offers his money and services to join their dream. He asks, “‘S'pose I went in with you guys. Tha's three hunderd an' fifty bucks I'd put in. I ain't much good, but I could cook and tend the chickens and hoe the garden some. How'd that be?’” (Steinbeck, 61). This demonstrates how Steinbeck uses dialogue to demonstrate that the American Dream is success through self employment because Candy desires to join George and Lennie. In Candy’s case, he has the same dream as George and Lennie. However, he knows that he cannot achieve the same desired life on account of his missing hand and age. He still wishes to have the same life in the future. Of Mice and Men …show more content…

People's lives still revolve around the idea, maybe even more ever in history. It's to the point that “People are quitting their jobs in record numbers in what’s been called the Great Resignation” (Molla). This proves that the American Dream is success through self employment because more and more people want to own their own businesses in hopes that it will bring them more fortune than any regular job can. People want to be independent and rich, which proves that the American Dream is success through self employment. The youth population is also beginning to get involved in the American Dream. In the modern era, “About 60% of teenagers are more interested in someday starting their own business instead of working a traditional job, according to a March 1 survey from Junior Achievement USA” (Reinicke). As teenagers begin to graduate, they want a successful life through their own businesses. This proves that the American Dream is success through self employment because many teenagers who are about to go into the real world want to become successful by having their own businesses. The modern American Dream shows success through independence as more and more people want their own businesses instead of working a standard job. Just like how George and Lennie wanted their own farm instead of working on someone

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