
The American Dream Research Paper

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Throughout generations, the American dream’s definition has changed dramatically. It started out as having stability, a security blanket, being content with the smalls things in life and not worrying about the what if’s. As society grows, so does the American dream. One can say the more you have the less content one is. The American dream today can be define as a soul sucking, unrealistic and having a basic need for purchasing unnecessary products, kind of like an addiction. Why is it that the poorest countries have the highest polls of happiness compare to the U.S? One can assume that being able to afford everything out in the world happiness would follow. Questioning these countries happiness makes a person think; Why are we so unhappy? This is rather …show more content…

The original American dream is now a myth. It can literally be taken as just a dream for many. Few will come to find out that what they always dreamed about will never come true. All the luxuries, all the expectations of a “good” life based on owning unanimated goods will forever be just a dream. While attainable, it is more unrealistic of happening. The cost of goods keeps going higher and higher making it harder to have what one wants. The goal was to buy a house with no down payment, back than it was quite possible, now to buy a house one must either be rich or contemplate stealing money from a bank. The safety blanket has been removed from families and now it’s more like survival of the fittest. If one doesn’t make it, it could be the end of a “good” life. It looks rather impossible to achieve happiness without money in the modern day world. How

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