
The Anabolic Steroids In Professional Sports

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Major League baseball players are role models to American children across the nation. These athletes are required to follow ethical standards to play fairly in their sport. This means that players are to be healthy without the assistance of inducing any performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) such as steroids. Either way, professional athletes choose to take these illegal substances, which resulted in the death of players, cheating to win, and a wide variety of health problems. As a result, the Federal Government admitted the Anabolic Steroid Act of 1990 to help the growing concerns of the cause of long-term effects of steroids. This Act made it illegal to take this unapproved substance while playing a professional sport. The major effects towards …show more content…

Being strong physically will have a deadline, but being strong mentally will last you a lifetime, therefore it will give people the best chance of leading a successful life. Steroids are a deprivation to our mental state because the effects cause a drastic increase to our visible muscle growth leading to our focuses away from us becoming stronger mentally. One well known side effect involving a consumer’s mental state is known as “roid rage”. “Steroids have been reported to increase a person’s aggressiveness or lead them to become more violent” (Cesar). While using steroids, many consumers of the drug are victims to the effect of roid rage, showing an uncontrollable aggression for no apparent reason. Another major side effect of steroids causes the victim to be very delusional, having “beliefs of invincibility, paranoid jealousy, excessive irritability, moodiness, and impaired judgement” (Mangan). Even though these athletes were distressed by the side effects of steroids, the idea for taking the drug was to raise their reputation as a MLB …show more content…

“One study that examined a player’s OPS- a combination of a player’s on-base-percentage and their slugging percentage- found that an increase in OPS of .100 leads to estimated salary increase of $2 million. Improved performances of steroids would certainly elevate a player’s OPS” (Carise). The minimum salary that a player could receive is $507,500 which is still considered a good pay grade, yet, people become too greedy that they would do whatever they can to earn money, even if it means to take steroids. It is believed to be that there used to be meetings with the MLB organization where they would talk about having an Enhanced League where all MLB players would take steroids. Fair right, no, players would be paid even more because they are performing so well. Additionally “Players would need to wear more protective gear - they 're going to get hit harder by other players running to base and by the balls hit into the field. Recent increases in the nature and frequency of MLB injuries - as indicated by the 31% increase in the number of players on the Disabled List (DL) from 1989 to 1998, and the 13% increase in average stay on the DL over the same period -have been attributed to steroid use”

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