The Antagonist Macon Dead

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The antagonist Macon Dead is a wealthy business man who uses his wealth to gain and take control over his own race. Throughout the novel Macon lives in a "lost" world of illusion vs. reality where his ignorance affects his conscious into acting as white man when he’s not . Being born in a wealthy family,racial problems are obscured to Macon. He believes that the only way to be free is by becoming rich, in which he isolates himself from being considered a black man. Such power can cause hate upon his family as well. In Pg 10 "His hatred of his wife glittered and sparked in every word he spoke to her" illustrates the hate Macon has upon his family that illustrates Macon's lack of concern by not acknowledging what Ruth had to say. Macon acts as a dictator in which he believes he has full power over his community and people have no freedom of speech. By having so much hate against his wife he's implementing the same actions that white people have used against their slaves during that time period. Macon being the roots and support for his family allows him to have control over them. Pg 10"The disappointment he felt in his daughters sifted down on them like ash" illustrates how Macon forsakes his race in which his daughters are useless to him when it comes to gaining wealth . …show more content…

For Macon family didn’t' matter to him if money wasn't involve , Pg17 'The one person in the world he hated more than his wife in spite of the fact that she was his sister" refers to the idea that he had no love but hate for his sister Pilate but seem to love the idea that Pilate had gold,also shows how not