
The Argument Against Animal Bill Of Rights

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In the past few decades, humans have become more and more self-centered rather than becoming more aware of the dangers they are putting animals through. Animal right activists have been trying to put a stop to harmful animal experiments which in the end are only benefiting humans. The Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) is a well known group that for the last 36 years has been trying to establish an Animal Bill of Rights in order to protect animals’ legally. The presented Bill of Rights would protect animals from life-threatening experiments as well as provide safety to their physical and psychological necessities in order to live a healthy life. Animals should most definitely not be given a Bill of Rights in order to secure them from inhumane …show more content…

As stated by ProCon.org, more and more evidence is being aroused about animals becoming “largely ineffective” when being used to test new medicine (Akhtar). Medicine is used in the everyday lives of humans, animals are not the same therefore they do not react to certain things they way humans do. Animal testing is not as accurate as humans were led to believe, money is being wasted for no reason since the medicine does not end up working on humans. Scientists are a major group that would disagree on the fact that animals are not similar to humans. Humans have evolved from apes; justifying that humans and animals really are similar. On the one hand, the ALDF has a strong point about the way humans treat animals, but creating a Bill of Rights to protect animals is exaggerating. The argument for an animal Bill of Rights by the ALDF addresses a major issue. The United States has already enforced laws and acts to protect animals from being treated poorly by humans; it is up to the humans to take into action those …show more content…

The group points out the fact that animals are not given the same rights as humans in their argument when they make the statement “deprived of legal protection.” In other words, the ALDF has a vision that all animals should be treated the same as humans in every aspect. The ALDF has yet to grasp the concept that animals do not have the cognitive ability to understand rights, if given any. According to BBC News, animals are considered to not have a “sense of morality” or “an understanding of their duties” when put up with others; therefore they should not be given the same rights as humans (Bennett-Jones 2). An animal’s brain is not wired to work the same as a human’s; which does not allow them to understand concepts such as legal rights and protection. Philosophers, such as Rene Descartes, have proven and informed others that animals are “no more than complicated biological robots” which only displays how animals are not as complex as the ALDF describe them to be (Descartes BBC). An ape, for instance, has the complexity to learn sign language, animals such as koala’s or giraffe’s do not have the same wired brain. Infinite amount of Animal Right Activists may disagree with the thought of animals not being able to grasp the idea of having rights and protection. While it is true that some animals have been taught sign language, most have not,

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