
What Is Socrates Idea Of Perfect Equality

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Next, Socrates purposes the argument from recollection to prove the immortality of the soul. He states that firstly, we recognize that the equal things we perceive are not perfectly equal (Phaedo, 74b). In other words, things that appear to be equal may fact not to be. Therefore, we have in our minds an idea of perfect equality (Phaedo, 74c); equal things and Equal itself are not the same. Next, there is such a thing as the Equal itself (Phaedo, 74c). Equal exists as a form known as the Form Equal. Moreover, we cannot gain knowledge of Equal itself from perception (Phaedo, 74c-e. So, there is a deficiency when it comes to examples of equality. We must be recollecting knowledge acquired before birth (Phaedo, 75a-c). To put another way, we must
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