The Assassination Of The Confessions By Nat Tuner

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Nat Turner was in born October 2, 1800 in Southampton county Virginia. Nat Tuner is remembered in history by leading a historical salve revolt in America during the slavery time period. Turner was very intellectual and knew more than the average slave since he was taught to read from his slave owners. Nat Turner had his own interpretation and voice of the bible believing God had chosen him to avenge the sins of slavery. In the morning hours of August 21, 1831 Tuner and his men led a small group of slaves from farm to farm killing every white man, woman, child they encountered. They gathered guns and more people during the bloody revolt that spread terror throughout the south. This bloody uprising created a great conflict for plantation owners. Nat Turner was captured and hanged. In the days before his execution he agreed to tell his story through a series of interviews in his Confessions with a conversation between him and a white lawyer named Thomas Gray. This offered a unique glimpse into the mind of the rebel leader. But after his death his words became the property of others as his body was during his life. …show more content…

He has been depicted as a great and inspiring hero, and a insane fanatic. Each author and artist possesses Nat Turner, transforming his identity and the meaning of his revolt. Although today we can not clearly make out the face of the man he continuous to provoke a bitter debate over the violence he inspired. For a nation that still having to come to the realization of its roots in slavery Nat Turner remains an immortal figure in our history. His legacy continues to inspire and horrify others while generating controversy over such artistic representations as William Styron’s novel and Nate Parker’s recent film The Birth of a

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