The Battle Of Courage Henry Fleming Chapter Summary

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1. What was fresh about Cranes approach to writing about war was the realism with though and feelings on the battlefield. The youth Henry Fleming goes through the path of self discovery. I believe while writing this story Mr. Crane focused on violence and confusion on the battlefield. He focused on the effects the war had. This novel was filled with fear. Furthermore, there is a fresh tone because it is written in a modern way, even though the battle occurs before the turn of the century. In additon, reading parts of the novel felt like I was in Hnerys head including becoming very emtional, confused, and psychological, not just reading about the scenes of war.

2. Crane is so much more descriptive about Hnerys account in battle and how he …show more content…

We learn small details from Boyer about "the thickest of the flight." He focuses on over battle thinking the impact of the battle.

4. From Crane, we learn that Hnery is becoming leader of men and not a follower. Fleming experiences greatness, while Boyer experiences sad amd very mundane routines. Fleming is very expressive of his feelings throught the entire story.

5.The purpose of the writers actions during the Chancellorville battle is to focus on precision timed movements with training provided " cover fire" for his troops like a parachute covering for protection. The main purpose to stop the enemy from approaching and prevent war at all costs. Even with probelms arising he did what he was there to do and appears proud to tell about it.

6. Crabes purpose is to provide a very gripping scen with herosim, realism, and iront. He paints us a story on the battlefield. He planned the colorful scenes. Again making me feel I was there, even though I would never want to be.

7. Any reader would understand the chilling accounts of both men. Cranes account flos like a river, the other account is very precise and to the point. He writes more of strategies and tactics and Crane focuses on the battlefield to keep the pciture in my