Cycling Persuasive Speech

772 Words4 Pages

Violet Kageha
Professor Makutano
English 101
20 January 2015

Everyone should use a bicycle for short journeys.
It is not so long ago that cycling was embraced as the common mode of transportation. Up until the mid 1950’s, a good number of people used bicycles as a means of transport and no geographical or climatic condition stopped them from cycling. A few years down along the line, cycling was viewed as a hobby for a few cycling enthusiasts or for children who want to play. However, in the recent past, we have witnessed a cycling renaissance and more and more bikes are being manufactured to cater for the masses of cyclists. Europe particularly boasts a high turnover of cyclists with a record of over half a million stemming from 39 countries. …show more content…

Physical Health: Cycling generates both internal and external benefits. It is estimated that cycling half hour a day everyday will achieve the following health benefits; Improve the cardiovascular system, reduce stress, build stamina, burn calories, increase muscle strength and flexibility, improve posture and coordination, and improve joint mobility, just to mention but a few. In a nutshell, the prevention and management of diseases can easily be achieved by short journey cycling, preferably 30 minutes to 1 hour each day.
Environmental Health: Biking is a Sustainable Transport, also known as ‘Green Transport’, which has a low impact on the environment and does not rely on finite materials such as fossil fuels as its source of power. Environmental health can be achieved by ‘greening’ the private car. Using a bicycle for short trips will help manage traffic and reduce carbon emissions. According to the government of UK, Department of Transport, research shows that car use is responsible for over 50% of carbon emission which is an environmental health hazard to humans. One of the ways to decarbonize and promote air quality benefits is to encourage usage of bicycles for short

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