The Betrayal Of Boxer In George Orwell's Animal Farm

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Foolish people usually put many threats on wealthier people. In the novel, Animal Farm, by George Orwell, Boxer is the most liked animal, and strongest. Boxer is a horse, so he could take Napoleon out. Boxer represents the hard-working, lower class in the Russian Revolution. Napoleon could be threatened by him because either, since he’s so strong he could take him down or because he is so liked everyone would follow Boxer. The betrayal of Boxer could be viewed as an alternative climax because that is when everything starts to go downhill. A lot of poor people today threaten wealthy. Boxer is a very important character in Animal Farm.
Boxer plays an interesting, but important role in the book, Animal Farm. He is arguably the best character …show more content…

One reason is because he is so big and powerful. He could take down Napoleon, the dogs, and the rest of the pigs easily, even Clover, the other cart horse. Boxer Another reason Napoleon feels threatened by Boxer is because well everyone loves Boxer. He is admired by all the animals and everyone looks up to him, “...universally respected…” (page 5), “...devoted to Boxer…” (page 5). Everyone looks up to Boxer because he is such a hard worker, even though he’s one of the dumbest animals on the farm. “Boxer could not get beyond the letter D.” (page 33). Boxer sometimes realizes that Squealer, Napoleon, and the other pigs sometimes shouldn’t be in charge because of damage that they have created. Instead of not wanting to turn into humans they eventually do. “‘What victory?’ said Boxer. His knees were bleeding, he had lost a shoe and split his hoof, and a dozen pellets had lodged themselves in his hind leg.” (page 105). Sometimes he is very stupid and thinks, “‘If comrade Napoleon says it, it must be right!’” (page 82), which most of the time in the book he thinks. Napoleon is threatened by Boxer in those two ways. The betrayal of Boxer could be viewed as an alternative climax for Animal Farm for many different …show more content…

The one main reason that the betrayal of Boxer could be an alternative climax is because when Napoleon sent Boxer to the knacker, everything went bad. After Boxer was sent to the knacker and killed, Squealer and Napoleon both lied saying, “The van had previously been the property of the knacker, and had been bought by the veterinary surgeon, who had not yet painted the old name out.” (page 125), the animals were relieved but this was not true. This is about the start of when Napoleon and the pigs start to turn into humans, “It was a pig walking on his hind legs.” (page 132), and changing their commandments just a little so that no animal will really notice. “All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others.” (page 134). After Napoleon had all and any threats out of the way, Boxer, his plan to truly be the ruler of Animal Farm and all animals was put to work. “He carried a whip in his trotter.” (page 133). “Four legs good, two legs better!...” (page 134). In the novel, Napoleon does win, just like in the Russian Revolution how Stalin won. In the end, Napoleon even changed the name back to its original name, Manor farm. “... To the prosperity of The Manor Farm!” (page 140). So yes, everything turned out horribly in this book, except for Napoleon and the other fat pigs. The animals work more than ever, on less food, and worse conditions and they still work for Napoleon. This is