The Bible And Big Bang Discussion Of The Bible

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The Bible and Big Bang Discussion This is Earth calling Hubble, come in Hubble. This is Hubble, still searching for God! The Hubble after traveling over one billion miles and still there has been no sightings of God. However, startling photos taken reveal the glory of God and His handiwork as the Psalmist wrote in Psalm 19 (KJV), “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork” Author of the book Hubble Reveals Creation, J. Paul Hutchins (2015) states, “For decades there has been a long standing debate between science and religion as to the validity of the Biblical Genesis account of creation. A good part of the Genesis debate has centered on the Bible’s description of how the earth formed. The questions vying for clear cut answers have been; why does the Bible appear to suggest that the earth was created in six literal days, when science suggest it was formed over 4.5 billion years, and why does the Bible appear to suggest that the sun, moon, and stars were created after the earth was formed, when science suggest otherwise? …show more content…

In recent years, much scientific light on the subject of planet formation has come to the fore through recent discoveries made by NASA’s Hubble and Spitzer telescopes. On examining closely the scientific details of planet formation, it becomes easy to see why the Genesis account appears confusing and inaccurate, when in reality Genesis brief description of planet formation coincides exactly with the findings of these two telescopes” (Hutchins, 2015, p.

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