
The Bible Research Paper

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The Bible is one of the oldest books in history. Its records date back to times before humans even existed. Even though it is such an old book, people do not know much about its history. It is a topic that has provoked much debate and argument throughout the time that humanity has existed. However, the Bible itself describes its own history and some of it is also supported by artifacts dating back to the same times the Bible was written. This makes the Bibles history. There are three main things that stand out from the Bible’s origins. These are its writing, its translation, and its opposition.

First, the writing of the Bible lasted a long time. We know that around 40 men helped write the Bible. Some of these men included names like Moses, Samuel, Paul, and 37 others. However, when one looks closely into the Bible, it states that the ideas found in the Bible did not come from those …show more content…

Since they had the support of the government, they began to torture and kill all who attempted to translate the Bible. The reason for which they did this was because the Bible had information in it that contradicted the long taught lies of the Catholic Church. If people had access to the Bible, then their power would be lowered greatly due to people feeling anger and disrespect due them teaching lies. They employed many tactics to make the translators of the Bible look like the real enemies when in fact the Catholic Church itself was. Sadly, in that time period, these tactics worked and the Bible Translators were shunned by society. Only until people started looking for themselves much later did they realize the lies they were taught. Eventually and inevitably, the Catholic Church lost total control over society, and the Bibles information was made available to the masses thanks to the hard work and dedication of the

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