The Bible: The Parables Of First-Century Palestinian Society

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Parables are told throughout the bible, a way of conveying a strong message in a simple and understandable way. The definition of a parable would be, “A short allegorical story designed to illustrate or teach some truth, religious principle, or moral lesson”. The Bible has given several different examples of parables throughout. However why do they cause an impact? What was significant enough for the analogies to make sense to the first-century Palestinian society? To answer this we must first discuss and breakdown the basics of first-century Palestinian society. Then pick a parable and explain it. Then take those two steps and compare and explain them together to answer the question. Jesus had his parables specifically suited for first century Palestine society, however it can be easily …show more content…

Breaking down each aspect is truly important for this question to be answered, in a very conclusive and defined way. It is said that parables, and the Bible itself, is too old for todays use and interpretation, “The modern study of the parables has shown that the application of some is limited by their immediate historical context and perspective; some; again, express teaching of a limited or didactic character which is not necessarily tied to the immediate circumstances”. So parables were intended for the immediate audience that they were told to. However they can be applied to modern times as well. To find out if a parables fit into the society and times of the first century Palestine society, the definition of what that society looks and acts like. What that society considers as precious and important, and

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