Big Five Personality Concepts

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The researchers anchored their study on The Big Five Personality Traits of Lewis Goldberg. The Big Five personality dimensions provide a very wide-ranging overview of someone’s personality. Research shows that there are five dimensions of personality which is known as the Big Five dimensions. The Big Five dimensions of personality are as follows: Intellect (level of creativity and curiosity), Conscientiousness (level of organization and work ethic), Extraversion (level of sociability and enthusiasm), Agreeableness (level of friendliness and kindness), and Emotional Stability (level of calmness and tranquility). The big five dimensions: (Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism) or OCEAN (Rentfrow, 2009). …show more content…

Compulsive buyers develop a repetitive pattern in which they suffer from a chronic loss of impulse control. Hence, they suggested that compulsive buying is a more serious phenomenon than that of impulsive buying (O‟Guinn & Faber, 1989). On the other hand, Mowen and Spears (1999) found a positive relationship between compulsive buying and neuroticism (emotional instability), and also between compulsive buying and agreeableness. On the other hand, compulsive buying and conscientiousness resulted to a negative relationship. No relationships were established with the other two big five personality factors, extraversion and openness (Costa & McCrae, …show more content…

A drive is a strong stimulus that encourages action the individual can reduce his need. Drivers are internal. They are the reasons behind certain behavior patterns. In marketing, a product purchase is the result of a drive to satisfy some need. Cues are basically stimuli exist in the individuals’ environment. They are weaker stimuli that direct the individuals’ responses to the drive by determining how, when and where it will occur. They are capable of providing the manner in which consumers respond to motive. Cues could be the products themselves, their advertisements, signs, colors, price, product design, store displays or promotional offers. Cues suggest specific ways to satisfy motives. Some marketers try to identify cues that have positive associations from some other situation and related them to their marketing mix. Another theory that we cited in the book “Psychology Applied to Business and Industry” of C.A.Sanchez. Ph.D., according to our readings the ego- integrative motive is strong among the majority of the Filipino youth. It is their desire not only to be noticed but also to be looked up to with awe and admiration. This is a desire for distinction. Hence, textile and jewelry are great in demand. Mostly teenagers are attracted to those things or clothes that they think it will suits or fit them,