The Black Death: The Biggest Catastrophe In Human History

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Introduction When you think of catastrophes what comes to your mind? Many people think of the Titanic, 911, or Pearl harbor, but what about the Black Death? Diana Childress says “the the Black Death was the biggest catastrophe in human history. The Black Death killed over 25 million people. Childress, Diana. "Like Black Smoke." Holt McDougal Literature: Grade 7. S.l.: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2012. 930-34. Print

Cowen, Mary Morton. "A World Turned Upside Down." Holt McDougal Literature: Grade 7. S.l.: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2012. 936-38. Print

Prevention's of the Plague
People tried many different things to prevent the black plague. In fact some people. whipped themselves to try to get rid of the plague and this only made it worse. This only got worse because the open wounds got infected. On the other hand some tried to make massive amounts of noise this had no effect on the plague. Some believed they needed to stop bathing and and stop eating meat this made it worse everything got dirtier. They also killed many cats and dogs, because they thought that the animals were spreading the disease this got worse. The rats were the ones spreading it and there were no cats or dogs to get rid of them. …show more content…

Brought to Life: Exploring the History of Medicine." The Black Death. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Mar. 2015.

Types and Symptoms of the Plague
There are three different types of the plague. The bubonic variant, pneumatic plague,and the septicemic are the only types. First the bubonic plague’s symptoms were swelling or buboes (buboes- swollen, inflamed lymph node on the armpit or groin). Next the pneumatic plague symptoms were trouble breathing, chest pain, cough, etc. Finally the septicemic versions symptoms were fever, chills, diarrhea, vomiting, etc.
Coroner's Report: Plague Video. A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 23 Mar.

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